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Sports Recovery

The success of Sports Recovery

By June 29, 2023No Comments
Learning and understanding sports recovery principles can truly be life changing. Over the last months I have had the honor working with dozens of athletes on implementing sports recovery.
One athlete struggled with a consistent hip pain that would show up every time they started running. After starting regular bodywork and learning how to stabilize their body, they no longer experience that obstacle and even improved their performance.
Another athlete began a Bodywork Plan a few months ago. Now they stay because they have found they have been able to train more, get PRs and hurt less.
What’s the secret?
What they are focusing on.
As athletes we often focus too much on one component of improving performance. This one component is usually training. But what is the true result of training? It is fatigue. This fatigue stimulates the body to repair, grow, and adapt. The body repairs and adapts during recovery.
So what if an athlete starts to prioritize and make recovery a purposeful part of their day? They start to experience more growth and adaptation, meaning they start to improve performance and get injured less.
I have seen hundreds of athletes incredible growth from sports recovery. Since you are reading this I know you have experienced what sports recovery can do for you. If you know any teams, gyms, or organizations that could use sports recovery please click on the link and let me know.
I just learned this week that the introduction of Pickle Ball to the US has created a new market work $300 million because of the injuries it is causing. We need to teach people how to protect themselves and take care of their bodies so that they can do what they love for life.
Hope you are all having an amazing week!
– Justin

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