Sports Nutrition

There are a lot of sports nutrition programs out there that are amazing. Here at Athlecare we did not want to add another program, we wanted to give you a coach who will give you the tools to enable you to lifelong health.

Our sports nutrition coaching is a journey to help you create a healthy lifestyle, recreate your relationship with food, and give you all the education you need to optimize your nutrition.

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    Diet not working for you? This is usually because of your mindset towards eating, not because you are doing it wrong.

    Our sports nutrition coaching is designed to enable you to become independent in your food choices and direct you to lifelong health. Often we start a new diet or lifestyle, but find we are unable to sustain the change. Our coaching gives you the tools to keep the change for life

    Our sports nutrition coaching will not teach a specific diet or meal planning program. It will teach you how to become independent in your choices, recreate your relationship for food, and help guide you to find what diet is best for you.

    How our sports nutrition coaching works

    Nutrition is unique for each individual. Our goal is to create you your own monthly plan based on you likes/dislikes, activity, anatomy, and weight goals. After designing your personalized plan we will be there to help make the change.

    Our pricing is $80 per consultation. This allows us to not only personalize your plan, but also your cost. We can adjust how often we meet according to your budget and needs.

    Call us at (801) 701-0108 to book your first sports nutrition consultation.