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First question we always get…

Does PEMF actually work? The answer is yes! PEMF has been around since early 1970s. In 1979 it was FDA approved to treat nonunion fractures. Since then there has been a ton of research done on PEMF. Here are a few that we found.

PEMF Citations:

Aaron, R. K. (n.d.). Upregulation of basal TGFP, levels by EMF coincident with chondrogenesis – implications for skeletal repair and tissue engineering . Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 20(2002), 233–240.

Borges, B., Hosek, R., & Esposito, S. (2019). Effects of PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) stimulation on chronic pain and anxiety utilizing decreased treatment frequency and duration application. Frontiers in Neurology, 10.

Cadossi, R., Massari, L., Racine-Avila, J., & Aaron, R. K. (2020). Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Stimulation of Bone Healing and Joint Preservation: Cellular Mechanisms of Skeletal Response. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Global research & reviews4(5), e1900155.

Jeon, H.-S., Kang, S.-Y., Park, J.-H., & Lee, H.-S. (2015). Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on delayed-onset muscle soreness in biceps brachii. Physical Therapy in Sport, 16(1), 34–39.

Weintraub, M. I., & Cole, S. P. (2005). Pulsed magnetic field therapy in refractory carpal tunnel syndrome: Electrodiagnostic Parameters – Pilot Study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 18(3-4), 79–83.

Yang, X., He, H., Ye, W., Perry, T. A., & He, C. (2020). Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on pain, stiffness, physical function, and quality of life in patients with osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Physical Therapy, 100(7), 1118–1131.

How does PEMF work?

PEMF has shown to help with bone growth, reducing soreness, reducing pain, and reducing inflammation. PEMF works by putting a lot of energy through a magnet. This energy is projected out as waves that cause your cell to react and change. These reactions and changes are what cause the benefits of healing and recovery.
Is PEMF expensive?
PEMF can be expensive. We charge $1.50 per minute it is used. A cheaper way to utilize this tool is with our Performance Plan. Under the Performance Plan PEMF can be used as often as it is available.

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